OSHA Food Manufacturing Standards | JGS Insurance 

OSHA Food Manufacturing Standards

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) keeps records not only of the most frequently cited standards overall, but also within particular industries. The most recent statistics from OSHA reveal the top standards cited in the fiscal year 2020 for the food manufacturing industry. This top 10 list comprises establishments that transform livestock and agricultural products into products for intermediate or final consumption. The industry groups are distinguished by the raw materials (generally of animal or vegetable origin) processed into food products.


Description of Violation

Cited Standard Number



Control of Hazardous Energy (lockout/tagout) – Control of hazardous energy is the practice of de-energizing equipment and locking the energy source to prevent release of energy. Requirements include written procedures, training and periodic inspection.



General Requirements for All Machines – This standard refers to machine guarding of presses, power saws, jointers and milling machines. Requirements include securing anchoring fixed machinery, operation guarding and types of guarding.



Powered Industrial Trucks – Powered industrial trucks include forklifts and fork trucks. This standard’s requirements include operator training, inspections and safe work practices.



Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus – A power transmission apparatus (PTA) is what connects the point of operation to the power source. Common PTA components include belts, pulleys, chains, and sprockets. This standard provides requirements for guarding those components of a PTA.



Wiring Methods, Components and Equipment for General Use – This standard covers permanent electrical wiring, including conductors, boxes and fittings. Requirements include the installation, maintenance and protection of electrical components. The standard also addresses when temporary wiring is allowed.



Respiratory Protection – This standard refers to respirators use to protect employees from hazardous substances. Requirements of this standard include a written program, selection of respirators, medical evaluations, fit testing, safe operating procedures and training.



Duty to Have Fall Protection and Falling Object Protection – This standard refers to the practice of identifying hazards and providing protections from those hazards when needed. Requirements include identifying, inspecting and assessing workplace conditions for fall or falling object hazards.



Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals – Process Safety Management is the safe management of highly hazardous chemicals. The standard includes applicable chemicals with thresholds, a written program, process hazard assessments, operating procedures, employee training and inspections.



Hazard Communication – This standard refers to the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. Requirements include developing and implementing a program, recordkeeping, labeling and training.



General Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements – This standard refers to providing, managing and maintaining the proper personal protective equipment for employees. Requirements include identifying required PPE, maintenance, sanitation, replacement and training.
